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Unlock Potential,
Boost Attainment

Metacognition, with Mr Metacognition 

  1. Boost student attainment by 7 months

  2. Meet OFSTED expectations around effective PD

  3. Support students from all socio-economic backgrounds

  4. Cross phase and subject suitability

  5. Support self-regulation abilities

  6. Develop problem solving abilities

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    Whole school training

    Whole-school training to up-skill staff, improve practice and outcomes

    subject-specific training

    Support for individual subject areas with training and curriculum



    Leadership support and curriculum development support

    key-note speaker

    Delivering research-backed, impactful talks with takeaways for teachers

    ITT Training sessions


    Introduction to metacognition ITT sessions in line with ITT framework

    A 7 month boost in attainment.

    More than ANY other pedagogy.

    What is Metacognition?

    Flavell: "I am being metacognitive if I notice that I am having more trouble learning A than B; if it strikes me that I should double check C before accepting it as fact".​


    ​Burns: "[Metacognition is] the little voice inside your head that constantly evaluated and informs your decisions"​


    Metacognition is the consistent process of planning, monitoring and evaluating our thinking.


    It is the process of questioning if we did something in the most efficient and effective manner. Of what we will do the same next time, and what we will do differently next time. It is the process of considering the most effective (cognitive) approach to use. It is the process of considering whether we are moving towards a successful outcome. (And so much more!)


    It is the way in which we constantly evaluate our cognitive performance and drive forward self-improvement. 


    It is the way we boost student attainment by an extra 7 months.


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    About Me.

    Hi! I'm Nathan Burns, better known as Mr Metacognition. I'm an expert in metacognition, having studied the theory for over half a decade. I have been fortunate enough to write two 5* reviewed books on the theory with Sage, dozens of articles with sites such as TES and SecEd, and worked with huge organisations, such as OUP, developing metacognitive resources.


    I now get to spend my time working with schools, ITT provision, Universities and educational organisations both UK and world-wide, delivering training on metacognition, leading curriculum development and offering consultancy.


    Every day, I get to talk and write about a theory that I love, that has so much power for every single education organisation out there!

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